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Weather and Seeing conditions
forecast |
Icon |
Technical Definition |
Octet-gram of cloud
cover, blue is for clear while white is for cloud. e.g. the "cake"
on the left is 0% cloud while the one on the right is 100% cloud. |
Astronomical seeing. From
left to right: <0.5", 0.5"-0.75", 0.75"-1", 1"-1.25", 1.25"-1.5",
1.5"-2", 2"-2.5", >2.5". In short, the smaller/bluer, the better the
seeing condition is. |
Atmospheric transparency.
From left to right: <0.3, 0.3-0.4, 0.4-0.5, 0.5-0.6, 0.6-0.7,
0.7-0.85, 0.85-1, >1 (unit: mag per air mass). In short, the fewer
bars/bluer, the better the transparency is. |
Chances of rain/snow. |
Atmospheric instability.
From left to right: lifted index between 0 to -3, -3 to -5, and
below -5. |
Humid weather warning.
From left to right: relative humidity between 80%-90%, 90%-95%, and
over 95%. |
Windy weather warning.
From left to right: sustained wind speed between 8.0-10.8m/s
(fresh), 10.8-17.2m/s (strong), and over 17.2m/s (gale or above). |