WX Frasso




Frasso Sabino Current Weather Conditions
Osservatorio astronomico V.Cesarini
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IZ0QWM-14 last 24h Weather Data:

IZ0QWM last 24h Temperature IZ0QWM last 24h Pressure
IZ0QWM last 24h Wind IZ0QWM last 24h Rain

IZ0QWM-14 last 7 days Weather Data:
IZ0QWM last 7 days Temperature IZ0QWM last 7 days Pressure
IZ0QWM last 7 days Humidity IZ0QWM last 7 days Wind
IZ0QWM last 7 days Rain

IZ0QWM-14 last 30 days Weather Data:

IZ0QWM last 30 days Temperature IZ0QWM last 30 days Pressure
IZ0QWM last 30 days Humidity IZ0QWM last 30 days Wind
IZ0QWM last 30 days Rain


Weather and Seeing conditions forecast

Icon Technical Definition
Octet-gram of cloud cover, blue is for clear while white is for cloud. e.g. the "cake" on the left is 0% cloud while the one on the right is 100% cloud.
Astronomical seeing. From left to right: <0.5", 0.5"-0.75", 0.75"-1", 1"-1.25", 1.25"-1.5", 1.5"-2", 2"-2.5", >2.5". In short, the smaller/bluer, the better the seeing condition is.
Atmospheric transparency. From left to right: <0.3, 0.3-0.4, 0.4-0.5, 0.5-0.6, 0.6-0.7, 0.7-0.85, 0.85-1, >1 (unit: mag per air mass). In short, the fewer bars/bluer, the better the transparency is.
Chances of rain/snow.
Atmospheric instability. From left to right: lifted index between 0 to -3, -3 to -5, and below -5.
Humid weather warning. From left to right: relative humidity between 80%-90%, 90%-95%, and over 95%.
Windy weather warning. From left to right: sustained wind speed between 8.0-10.8m/s (fresh), 10.8-17.2m/s (strong), and over 17.2m/s (gale or above).

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Ultimo aggiornamento:  29-09-13